CAR-T Cells

CAR-T Cells

CAR-T cell therapy is a cell-based immunotherapy approach in which patients’ own immune cells are activated ex-vivo to fight against the disease. Recent advancement in the field has led to the approval of ten CAR-T cell-based therapies against hematological malignancies by the USA Food and Drug Administration. As of now there are no approved CAR-T based therapies for solid tumors, but the same approach can be adopted by using an innovative solution.
B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), Defuse Large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and multiple myeloma (MM) in children and adults have different biology and hence the results of available treatments are very different. De novo childhood ALL has a very good response to chemotherapy without allogeneic stem cell transplant. The situation is different in adults and relapsed ALL in children where available therapy produces rather limited survival. The reported incidence of childhood cancers in India is around 38 to 124 per million children per year, 25-40 % of them being leukemias and within the leukemias, about 60-85% of them being ALL and a higher proportion being high risk type as compared to the western world, leading to poorer prognosis. 10-20% of these patients will relapse and subsequently very little can be offered as treatment when they relapse. This may translate into a possible number of 2-4 thousand children with relapsed childhood ALL for whom we have no treatment available in India at present. Similarly for B-CL, MM there are no treatments available. Thus, our next-generation affordable CAR-T cell products utilizing CD-19 and other antigen specific targets will be life saving for millions of patients in our country and across the globe.

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